Despite constant warnings from SEC officials, head coach Jim McElwain and offensive coordinator Doug Nussmeier have decided to end the months long quarterback competition and simply play all four competing QBs at the same time.

The all new “Quad QB Option” offense will debut this Friday at the annual Orange and Blue game.

“Man, all these guys can just get the ball down there like somethin’ else; pretty cool,”

stated McElwain at a recent Spring press conference, only to be quickly ushered off the stage by multiple men in suits.

Nussmeier then went on to describe some challenges the team has faced implementing the new scheme.

“At this point, the big deal for us is running down the clock,”

He said.

“At practice we’re seeing most of these plays push four to five minutes.”

Speculation has been building that the defense has been betting too much on the assumption that other teams will soon implement similar style offenses. The new pass coverage heavy defense is rumored to consist of nothing but defensive backs.

The biggest question mark that still looms over this Friday’s game is whether or not the SEC will even allow such a drastic change in football play style.

McElwain briefly described his plan to account for any challenges in dealing with officials.

“Well, uh, I’m just gonna get one of our guys off the field each time we get an illegal formation penalty,”

He said.

“We’re pushing into uncharted territory here so nobody really knows what’ll go down other than our guys having some fun out there.”

The new quad QB formation is reportedly only one of many unique strategies that McElwain has planned for the upcoming season. It is rumored that special teams will be composed entirely of kickers in the hopes that at least one of them will make a field goal.