A student at the University of Florida has set a record this week after his peers reported the astonishing amount of seats he was able to take up with his own body and personal belongings on an RTS bus.

Gary Creek, a third-year animal science major, got on the 20 bus towards campus when sources say that he immediately spread an impressive amount of his body and miscellaneous items across an entire row of seats with disregard to anyone else around him.

“I don’t even know where half of that stuff came from,”

Said John Gard, a sophomore who experienced the phenomena from two rows behind Creek.

“He got on the bus with just a backpack, but all of a sudden there were books, computers and calculators everywhere. He even pulled out a footlong sub.”

Those who were sitting in the nearby vicinity said that even when other students got on the bus, Creek refused to readjust himself or any of his various personal belongings, causing the new riders to have to stand.

Multiple injuries resulted from this event, as RTS drivers are required to test their brakes every 20 feet until their arrival and pay no attention to any curbs or sidewalks that might be in the way.

Despite some of the negative outcomes of his accomplishment, Creek told the Crocodile reporters that he could not be more proud to have set the record in such a competitive atmosphere.

“I do it every time I get on the bus, I don’t see why it’s such a big deal,”

Creek said.

“A guy just needs some room to spread his legs sometimes, ya know?”

There will be a ceremony this weekend where the Guinness Book of World Records and the 20 bus driver will present Creek with an engraved trophy to recognize his accomplishment.

Update: Creek’s record was broken immediately after his induction by sophomore Robbie Tanner. Tanner was said to have been riding home after completing “arm day” at Southwest Rec and “needed room to flex.”