Karoline Santos surprised the Gator Nation this afternoon shortly after arriving at Southwest Recreational Center by positioning her car not only in-between both lines, but parallel to them as well.

Santos, a sophomore advertising major, is well-known for her infectious laugh, slight accent, and horrendous parking skills comparable to those of a four-year-old in a miniature pink Cadillac.

Her best friend and workout partner Robbin Jacobs recorded proof of the momentous occasion to show those who may not be fully convinced by adding it to her 146 second long Snapchat Story, Twitter, and Instagram accounts.

“It’s incredible, the amount of persistence she showed while backing in and out of the spot four times, just so she could leave no room for discussion over the state of her parking,”

Said James Roberts, a sophomore who works as a referee for intramural games at SW Rec who also witnessed Santos’ stellar parking job.

“Her confidence must be through the roof to try to park unsuccessfully three times, but knowing that on the fourth, she’d nail it.”

While completing one of the most fundamental aspects of operating a motor vehicle was a fresh experience for Santos, she cited her inspiration as her best friend Jacobs, who informed Crocodile reporters that parking within the lines is “totally the new move.”

“I’m glad I accomplished this and all, but I’ve got way more goals for the future.”

Santos said.

“Next I’m going to learn how to parallel park, so I can finally see what Downtown Gainesville looks like!”

Just after press time, a muffled thump was heard just outside the Crocodile’s downtown offices, and a quick look out the window showed a bumper lying on the road and a somewhat familiar yellow car quickly driving away.

UPDATE: Dang it, the bumper is from my car!