A mysterious phenomenon began occurring around midday yesterday as reports from lecturing professors indicated that all of their students were staring into their phones with their mouths open.
I’m used to seeing a normal selfie face once in a while,”
Dr. Jerry Henson told reporters. “But the way they were looking at their phones that day…I had to check the news to make sure nothing crazy had happened!”
The update reportedly brought animated selfie effects to the app, and also Dr. Henson said something that wasn’t going to be on the test.
The new “open-mouth” selfie craze has affected not only lecture halls, but also almost every other facet of daily life. Students are aging themselves or pouring rainbows out of their mouths while doing normal human activities. We asked one enthusiastic Snapchatter what she thought of the update:
“It’s like totally cool,”
Marie Hendricks told reporters. She then told us to “hold on” and twisted her face into a grotesque grin for her phone’s front camera.
“What were you saying? Yeah it’s totally cool. Did I already say that?”
The few students who oppose the update are quickly succumbing. All over campus, these students can be seen completely ignoring their surroundings and absorbed in their smartphones.
A final student told us while we were downloading the update ourselves.
I can’t stop. There are so many filters!”
The student kept talking but our reporter apparently stopped interviewing him to put crazy eyes on herself in a picture.