One UF fraternity is upping its game this Halloween by growing its very own pumpkin patch in the front lawn.

Delta Iota Chi, one of UF’s newest frats has decided that it will bring the pumpkins to girls this year instead of having them travel to random church parking lots for the experience.

“Our parties haven’t been getting snapped that often, so we needed another edge to get into girls’ social media posts,”

DIX party coordinator Hayden Brody told reporters.

Now we’re going to be in every Instagram pic this fall season!”

The experimental pumpkin patch has reportedly been in the works for over six years, and experienced a few setbacks before it reached its current state.

There was that one time Trent thought he could water the pumpkins with beer instead of water,”

One DIX brother said.

“Luckily it turned out fine because Natty Light is actually pretty close.”

The patch was made with the help of one brother who is believed to be a third-year horticulture major at UF. Pumpkin sizes range from “OMG it’s so cute!” to “wow I’ve never seen one that big before.”

The pumpkins are available for fake candid pictures for free, but cost $5 to take home. Trades of used boat shoes or Vineyard Vines stickers will also be accepted as payment.

The new precedent set by the pumpkin patch has every other fraternity scrambling to one-up each other for next year. Reports indicate that one frat, who wishes to remain unnamed, has just planted a Christmas tree field south of campus.

“Give those evergreens 10-15 years and they’ll be so luscious,”

One of the brothers said.

Honestly no one else will stand a chance, not even Sigma Beta Zeta with their Easter egg hunt.”