Streets east of UF campus were unusually congested Wednesday as fringe groups of young women wrapped up their strange rituals of new member selection. The process took almost a week to finally end, according to reports.

For every one of the past 7 days or so, potential new members of these arcane societies went through a myriad of strange rites to determine their potential to fit in. The groups’ esoteric practices included wearing strange hats, dabbing their faces with napkin-like objects, and having spirited yet hollow conversations.

“I was going to try to join one,” said UF sophomore Sophia Riley.

 But the way these groups operate… it’s alien to me.  I’m more scared of them than anything else.”

The members of the groups are allegedly expected to engage in mystic traditions that include walking in an uncomfortably erect manner and smiling nonstop for 57 continuous hours.

The groups seem to have developed their own distinct coded languages as well, with secretive pass phrases such as “Can I take your bag?” and “What are you studying?” The general public only vaguely understands these code words, and the exact meaning of the incantations is unknown.

The end of the process comes about a week before the beginning of a similar process on the other side of campus involving the school’s abstruse all-male groups.

“The ritual for these women looks ridiculous,” said Jonathan Trout, a potential new member in the all-male societies. “I sure am glad that I won’t have to do anything stupid when joining the male groups!”