A sorority girl at the University of Florida just announced that she would not be dressing up as a bunny this year for Halloween, as a different kind of furry mammal is calling her name.

Sophomore Mandy Wallace says after a year at UF, she feels like she’s seen it all.

“Bunnies are basic,” says Wallace. “But I definitely want to keep the tradition alive of being some type of animal, maybe a cat. Or a mouse! Like that one girl from that one movie.”

Tara Alpert, a sorority sister of Wallace’s says she totally respects her friend’s decision.

I back Mandy one-hundred percent. Any animal is like, so cute,”

says Alpert.

According to both Wallace and Alpert, all of their sisters wanted to dress as bunnies for the ragers they would be attending. Wallace refused to be labeled as mainstream.

I was like, wait, this isn’t Easter people!”

said a disturbed Wallace as she scrolled through her Instagram feed from 52 weeks ago.

Wallace’s boyfriend, Sam Briggs is upset he cannot dress up as Hugh Heffner this year. However, he is still going to buy a couple’s costume.

“Yeah, I guess if she goes as a mouse, I could be the Tom to her Jerry,” said Briggs as his face lit up to the thought of doing something out of the ordinary.

This year will be full of surprises as sorority girls are taking a stand against the bunny movement. Wallace in no way, shape or form plans to be a bunny for Halloween ever again.

I’m going to plan way in advance next year, a more sophisticated look. Like a rabbit or something.”