The University of Florida has come out barely victorious in a recent poll that asked students across the nation what the best school in the SEC was.

The poll asked for Volunteers from all across the nation to cast their tie-breaking votes to objectively determine the outcome.

Initially, the outcome looked grim for UF. Local students were understandably upset, but didn’t expect to win the poll anyway.

I was watching the votes come in live, but stopped when we started losing too badly,”

Jason Brody, a UF sophomore told reporters. “I didn’t even know we’d won until I saw it all over Facebook the next day.”

The University of Florida has had historically erratic success in the weekly nationwide polls, sometimes dominating an entire polling season and other times coming out with a losing schedule.

Common poll questions include “can this specific student do this physical task better than a student from another school?” and “can this student knock this other student over with his body?”

The most recent poll was UF’s fourth win in a row this polling season, but some are still apprehensive about the future.

Yeah, we won, but only by the skin of our teeth,”

UF polling coordinator Jam McDonald said. “We’re going to need to shape up if we want to keep winning in the polls.”

Coordinator McDonald is also working closely with the SEP, the Southeastern Polling District, to improve the clarity of the poll questions for participants. He hopes to “get all Gators into the polling spirit” for the rest of this fall.

It’s only the last point that matters,”

McDonald added quickly.

The university has a tough schedule ahead, polling against the likes of Ole Miss, a school that has built an entire culture on competitive polling.

Make sure to check back next week for the arbitrary numbers that determine which university is better again!