The Really Independent Florida Crocodile

Slightly cooler weather causes girls to replace Nike shorts with leggings

Girls at the University of Florida are making drastic changes to their wardrobe in response to the extreme five-degree change in temperature.

When the weather dropped to a startling 72 degrees Fahrenheit last week, many female students felt the need to cover their knees as a matter of survival.

Madelyn Rogers, a junior accounting student, says that the colder weather forced her to start wearing leggings.

“I don’t have a choice,” Rogers said.

As soon as I stop sweating, it’s just too cold to wear my norts.”

Rogers, who has worn her Nike running shorts every day for the past three months, says that her thin leggings offer her more protection from the frigid temperatures.

“Yeah, you may be able to see through them,” she said.

But they really do add a thick layer to protect me from wind burn on these rough days.”

Ramira Lewis, a sophomore history student, says she swears she saw snow fall last week.

“It was this little white speck floating through the air,” Lewis said. “My friends told me that it was a piece of dust, but I know that in this weather, dust would have frozen.”

Many girls say that they’ve been wearing leggings all year long to survive the tundra that exists year-round on RTS buses.

Some students say that they weren’t even aware that summer was over.

“I haven’t really felt a difference in the weather,” said Max Pontel, a sophomore biology student.

But I totally think that girls should wear leggings.”

Pontel claims that he is worried about girls freezing.

As the weather continues to dip by fractions of degrees, the UF student body will witness girls change from oversized t-shirts to oversized long-sleeve t-shirts with a sleeveless vest in preparation for unbearable cold.

Meanwhile, male students ready themselves to wear the one pair of khaki shorts they own for the entirety of the winter season.