The Really Independent Florida Crocodile

CS student makes innovative “hello world” app

Roskow sits at his custom Linux machine.

One Computer Science major at the University of Florida is hoping to make some waves with his very first “Hello World!” app.

Arthur Roskow, a freshman, has reportedly created the best hello world app in the world after a required class project, and he is not afraid to rub it in his colleagues’ faces.

“See this here, when I print text?”

Roskow told reporters.

Boom. The text is green now. I told you I was the best.”

Roskow’s classmates, however, seemed wholly unimpressed with his app that did the same thing as everyone else’s.

“Everyone makes a hello world app,”

One student said.

But all of a sudden he thinks he’s Steve Jobs or something.”

He was quickly corrected to “Wozniak.”

Roskow reportedly took over 4 weeks to complete his beloved app, and has been showing it off to friends, classmates and unlucky bus drivers ever since. Although this app was Roskow’s first accomplishment, he has informed Crocodile Reporters that it will certainly not be the last.

“I’ve got a few ideas lined up,”

Said Roskow, from the office that he recently bought to “expand his developments.”

I was thinking maybe an app that lets you share your pictures with friends as soon as you take them, but that’s pretty advanced, even for me.”

The treasured Hello World app doesn’t seem to be generating as much interest in Roskow’s new company “Apps4Less” as was expected, but Roskow has released a statement to his peers reassuring them that the next app, a Gator colored calculator will be coming within the next 1-2 years in The App Store for 99 cents.

Update: Roskow’s company and project were put to a halt today after his professor gave him a C++ for his Hello World app.

Don’t be like Roskow. Learn to develop real apps (and get a job) in a 12 week accelerated course at Gainesville Dev Academy. Sign up now for spring courses!