The Really Independent Florida Crocodile

Campus snap story fee to be added to tuition cost

Fees are increasing yet again for Fall 2015 in order to accommodate the new campus snap story. The story was originally only in service as a passing trial, but quickly turned into a runaway success. University of Florida staff currently curate the snap story themselves; however, a new “snap specialist” will have to be hired next year to deal with the growing volume. Abigail Cho, director of UF Social Media, weighed in on the decision to bring on a new employee.

We started just sharing the responsibility to maintain the snap story. Now, this is bigger than all of us. Bigger than even all of you.

The University also requires more funding to support the lifestyle of “Gator Guy,” a student who has been featured in the story at least twice a day for the entirety of its existence. The money will go to clothing and feeding Gator Guy, as well as allowing him to purchase $70 Gator shirts from the bookstore. It is likely that he will receive a full ride scholarship in addition to having his basic needs fulfilled. Publicity staff told us that:

Gator Guy is just as important if not MORE important than any other human on campus. He puts the popularity of even the football and basketball players to shame.

Gator Guy’s talents are yet undocumented, although he appears to be very good at saying “Go Gators” and making the iconic chomp motion with his arms.

The campus snap story is also being seen as another opportunity to shove school loyalty down students’ throats. The story will eventually be turned into a giant advertising channel for UF, offering deals on apparel and encouraging students to rep the Gator Nation™ everywhere.

As with anything else owned by the University, the administration hopes to turn something great into another way to profit off of its student body.