The Really Independent Florida Crocodile

Student’s March Madness turns out to be just regular madness

It started out as every fan in March does. With a blank bracket and an empty void where a hobby or job should probably be.

Will Leon, a freshman majoring in sports administration, had been looking forward to this year’s March Madness basketball tournament since his intramural team failed to make the playoffs last week.

“I dropped two of my classes so I would have time to watch ESPN’s 24 hour nonstop coverage of the tournament.”

Said Leon, who watches TV from the community television in his dorm building.

Leon has filled out multiple brackets online in hopes of winning cash rewards that will prove his savvy basketball knowledge to his unsupportive parents.

“He’s a 4’10 and barely made the rowing team in high school,”

Said Leon’s mother when asked why she didn’t support him.

Being concerned that Leon was waking people up in the dorm hall with his cheering at 4am, his RA decided to get him help.

“I can’t believe all that yelling he was doing in the middle of the night was just from watching highlights of old games.”

Said Leon’s RA Anthony Watkins.

A doctor was brought in to see if anything was any medical explanation to explain why Will Leon was acting in this irrational manner.

“His sanity seems to somehow be worse than his Final Four picks.”

Said Anthony Scriver, a PhD graduate of UF’s school of Psychology.

After further evaluation Leon was sent to Shands hospital in a sector where other insane Gainesville sports fans are sent. He was transferred to the “crazy basketball fan” area to join others with his disease. This section is located right next to the “field goal believers” wing.

Leon hasn’t given up hope in this whole process and still stands by what he believes in.

“My bracket’s been better than Obama’s the last two years so if that doesn’t say I know basketball I don’t know what will.”

Said Leon.

Leon will be held at Shands until the Women’s March Madness Basketball Tournament ends in late March.