The Really Independent Florida Crocodile

Student Can’t Find Parking Spot, Drives to Hometown

After his third lap around campus without finding a parking spot, freshman Robby Willis decided his only option was to drive home… to South Florida.

“I have a Red 1 parking pass, so I’m basically a second-class citizen,” said the exploratory major. 

Willis lives in Springs Residential Complex and says he keeps his Toyota Camry parked near his dorm during the week.

“I avoid driving because I know how difficult finding a spot is,” said Willis. “My Bright Futures check went straight to Uber.”

One rainy Tuesday, Willis had first presentation in his Public Speaking class. He wore his nicest outfit, a button-down with khakis from Macy’s. To avoid getting soaked before his big day, he decided to take his car to class.

Willis was foolish enough to try for the smaller parking lots closest to his destination, but found them completely full. Running short of time, he resolved to head to the Commuter Lot, and take an Uber the rest of the way.

Willis arrived to a sea of cars. He began making laps, waiting for someone to leave. After three passes, he returned to the lot by his dorm, only to find that it, too, was full. Already late for his presentation, Willis began looking for lots further and further away, but found nothing that wouldn’t earn him a ticket.

He started driving. And kept driving. The closest parking space he could think of was in his parents’ driveway, 5 hours away in Ft. Lauderdale.

Willis didn’t mean to wind up back home, but he was grateful for a chance to forget about the failing grade he’d just earned and the  fact that he’d need to drop, and then retake, the worst class ever.

In regards to finding a spot on campus when he inevitably has to return, Willis said he plans on filling up his gas tank at the Kangaroo on University and taking laps around the commuter lot until something opens up.

“I’ll just listen to ‘Mo Bamba’ on repeat for as long as it takes for a spot to open up,” said Willis. “