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Single Cloud to Delay LSU Game

Erratic weather is once again affecting the chances of UF playing rival LSU. It was reported by SEC Network Analyst that a single cloud...

BREAKING: Roommate Now Apparently a Cubs Fan

After late-inning heroics in Cleveland Wednesday night, the Chicago Cubs earned two things: the team’s first World Series title since 1908, and a new...

UF Opens Bulldog Shelter After Influx of Strays From Jacksonville

A recent wave of helpless Bulldogs in the state has prompted the University of Florida to open up a new shelter just for them. Following...

Water Polo to Replace Football This Saturday Against LSU

In anticipation of Hurricane Matthew, University of Florida officials met Thursday afternoon to discuss postponing the Gator football game against Louisiana State University on...

Students disappear after not posting game day photo

A few days after the complete shutout of the North Texas green-bird-whatevers, reports are coming in that some students who claimed to have attended...

North Texas Frantically Looks to Recruit Team for Football Game

The North Texas Football Program is eager to play the Gators on their big day in The Swamp, but still have one obstacle to...


Ever since the departure of the true hero of Tim Tebow, students haven't been waiting for the second coming of a truly game-changing quarterback. He...

Miami Hurricanes Vs. FSU game rescheduled for this weekend

According to recent reports from the National Offensive Athletic Association, or “NOAA”, the Miami hurricanes matchup with FSU on October 8th has been rescheduled...

Tim Tebow to pursue career playing Cricket

At a press conference early this morning Tim Tebow informed reporters that he had made the decision to pursue the sport that he had...